Opening Keynote: Changing the Narrative: Using Data to Combat the Negative Narrative and Seize the Opportunity
Date & Time
Sunday, October 6, 2024, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Shilah Salmon

Despite the prevalent doom and gloom headlines dominating conversations about the wine industry, it's crucial to recognize that negative portrayals in the media lack accuracy. As the adage suggests, headlines no longer just sell newspapers, they have become the news.

To understand the true state of the industry, we will delve deeper and understand macro trends and historical context. While the wine industry is facing notable headwinds including a decline in the sub $12 category, more products than ever before, and a younger consumer consuming less alcohol overall, key insights and data reveal a more complex and nuanced landscape. There are positive indicators revealing plenty of opportunity when you change the lens.

Through forward-thinking marketing and sales strategies that prioritize quality, sustainability, and authentic, human stories, the industry can strengthen how we engage with our consumer and dispel the misconceptions while also driving growth and prosperity for the entire wine sector.

Location Name
Town + Country B
Full Address
Town & Country Resort & Spa
500 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, CA 92108
United States
Session Type
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