What's New In Wine Tech? From Virtual Somms To High Tech Decanters.
Date & Time
Monday, October 7, 2024, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Will Costello, MS Tom Lutz Dean Levin

From automatic decanters which swirl a guests wine for them to recommendation engines meant to support sales and staff training to "designing" the wines of tomorrow with the help of chemistry; the ancient profession of the sommelier has some new and powerful tools to support our quest to get people drinking more and better!

Location Name
Town + Country B
Full Address
Town & Country Resort & Spa
500 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, CA 92108
United States
Session Type
Professional Development (60 min max)
Tasting Component?
Session Evaluation
Learning Objectives
1. Explore Wine Innovations
2. Master Tech Tools
3. Enhance Guest Experiences
4. Streamline Operations