Full Name
Marian Leitner- Waldman
Job Title
CEO and Founder
Archer Roose Wines
Speaker Bio
Marian Leitner-Waldman is the founder and CEO of Archer Roose Wines, one of the fastest growing wine companies in the U.S, dedicated to uniting world-class winemaking with sustainable packaging. She is on a mission to democratize fine wine by making the wine industry more inclusive and leveraging format to fit the lifestyles of modern consumers. Her emmy-award winning commercials, starring business partner and actress Elizabeth Banks, have been lauded by the San Francisco Chronicle as the "most innovative wine marketing around."

Archer Roose has been recognized by Wine Enthusiast, Wine Spectator and the Beverage Tasting Institute and can be found in James Beard Award Winning restaurants, Target, Sprouts, Regal Cinemas, and stadiums, venues and retailers across the U.S. Archer Roose has co-funded research studying hydrogen sulfide formation in canned wine with the NY Wine and Grape Foundation in collaboration with Cornell University's Food Science Department, resulting in the prestigious Best Oenology Paper award by the American Journal of Enology and Viticulture (AJEV). In 2022, Constellation Brands, Inc. announced its investment in the brand through its venture capital group.

Marian holds a B.A. from Johns Hopkins University in International Relations. She is a MassChallenge Finalist and a Babson Breakaway Challenge Finalist and has been featured on CNBC Power Pitch. Marian lives in Boston’s South End with her family.
Marian Leitner- Waldman