Knowledge In Practice - Finding Your Voice, Sharing Your Message, And Becoming A Better Presenter
Date & Time
Saturday, October 5, 2024, 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Teresa Cesario Noël Burgess Elise Cordell

The pursuit of knowledge is a life-long journey, but mastery of a subject does not equal the ability to share your knowledge effectively. In this panel discussion, we will hear from trade professionals who have truly found their voice, use skills derived from life experience and personal passions to amplify their chosen messages, and continue to find opportunities for growth. Each presenter will provide opportunities for attendee interaction during their segment, encouraging valuable feedback in real-time, and empowering the audience to become more effective communicators.

Location Name
Town + Country B
Full Address
Town & Country Resort & Spa
500 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, CA 92108
United States
Session Type
Professional Development (60 min max)
Tasting Component?
Session Evaluation
Learning Objectives
1.) How to effectively craft your message to engage your audience
2.) Analyzing your speaking style to consistently improve using proven techniques and tools
3.) How to advocate for yourself as a subject matter expert to amplify your voice
4.) Identify unanticipated professional paths based on your current strengths and ambitions