Has Racial Inclusion In The Wine Industry Improved Since 2020?
Date & Time
Monday, October 7, 2024, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Monique Bell

Business professor Dr. Monique Bell authored the groundbreaking "Terroir Noir" study of Black wine entrepreneurs after completing more than 40 one-on-one interviews and collecting data from more than 70 survey participants in the pivotal year of 2020. Three years later, she investigated the same group's perceptions of how much -- or how little -- had changed regarding racial inclusion in the wine industry. In this presentation, Dr. Bell will uncover her findings, which include heartbreak and hope, and provide an overview of wine's contemporary inclusion climate. Additionally, preliminary Black wine consumer insights will be revealed.

Location Name
Town + Country B
Full Address
Town & Country Resort & Spa
500 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, CA 92108
United States
Session Type
Tasting Component?
Learning Objectives
Describe the perceptions and experiences of Black and other racial minorities in the wine industry. Identify inclusion gains and areas for improvement. Recommend solutions for enhanced inclusion in their organizations.