Ken Ruff - Elevated Spirits, LLC (Cierto Tequila)
Luis Navarro - Beam Suntory - El Tesoro Tequila
Nikki Siglin - Cutwater Spirits

The agave industry is booming. Every celebrity owns a brand. Large corporations have built multi-million dollar brands which live in every bar. How did they get there? What are the effects of these brands on the agave industry? This seminar will dig deep into the background of how the Tequila industry became what it is today and the use of diffusers to assist its growth. Is this sustainable? How do diffusers affect the people & ecology of Mexico and smaller brands? Why are additives allowed in Tequila, and why are they used? Are they good or bad? In this seminar, we will taste different Tequilas from additive-free producers and producers using additives. We will discuss the additive used in each tequila and how to evaluate when additives are used through a tasting.
500 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, CA 92108
United States
Be able to distinguish an additive-free Tequla from one which uses additives.
Indicate that additives have a purpose, but differentiate when that additive adds to the tequila and when it takes away.
Additive Blanco
Fortaleza Repo
Additive Repo
El Tesoro Anejo
Additive Anejo
Cierto Extra Anejo
Cutwater Blanco with additives added