Nombre de sesión
Viewing Wines Through the Lens of Diversity (BLIND TASTE)
Fecha y hora
viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2019, 14:00 - 15:30
Lia Jones Daniel Milmo Emily Saladino Derek Epps
This seminar is a celebration of diversity in the wine community. We will begin with a blind tasting and accompany the experience with stories about winemakers and how their uniqueness has shaped the wines in their bottles. We are excited to taste and delve into wines from some lesser-known regions such as Asia, the Middle East, Latin America and Africa. Many countries do not have access to the fruits and vegetables that are typically descriptors when learning about wine. In these instances winemakers may make wines catered to the tastes of their regions and use descriptors relating to regional and local items. We will have some of these items available to explore. Our all-star panel of wine professionals will discuss their ongoing efforts and provide insight into all aspects of diversity in our industry. Recent research and reports have shown that diversity translates into dollars. As a buyer, importer, somm, wine director or educator it is important to understand this concept. We will give a detailed overview of how and why diversity within the wine community should be at the forefront of our minds. If you would like to participate in our interactive portion and answer questions anonymously please save time by downloading the free Poll Everywhere app before the seminar.
Nombre del lugar
Dirección completa
InterContinental San Diego
901 Bayfront Court
San Diego, CA 92101
Estados Unidos