Entrepreneurship Part 1: Life After Restaurants And Best Practices To Become A Consultant
Date & Time
Monday, September 11, 2023, 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM

There comes a time in many restaurant industry professionals' lives where they begin to leave "the floor" in favor of alternative careers in the wine industry. Becoming a consultant can be incredibly rewarding but at the same time immensely intimidating and downright scary. It's not easy to trade a steady W2 for the unknowns of where and when your next paycheck might come. This session will put those fears at bay as well as outlining tips, tricks, suggestions and best practices for venturing out as an independent wine consultant.
Location Name
Tasting Stage B (Golden State Ballroom)
Full Address
Town & Country Resort & Spa
500 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, CA 92108
United States
500 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, CA 92108
United States
Session Type
Professional Development (60 min max)
Tasting Component?
Session Evaluation
Learning Objectives
List some of the practical steps necessary to becoming independent.
Demonstrate how to conceptualize and write a business plan for your consultancy.
Discover and classify critically important steps to take when starting a business
Explore ways to determine what aspects of the industry to focus on:
Detecting the intersection of: I can make a lot of money doing this and I really like doing this.
Demonstrate how to conceptualize and write a business plan for your consultancy.
Discover and classify critically important steps to take when starting a business
Explore ways to determine what aspects of the industry to focus on:
Detecting the intersection of: I can make a lot of money doing this and I really like doing this.
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