Your Health & Alcohol
Date & Time
Tuesday, September 12, 2023, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Maurice DiMarino - Cohn Restaurant Group
Christine Eros - Metro Family Physicians/ Eros Beauty And Wellness
Christine Eros - Metro Family Physicians/ Eros Beauty And Wellness

Dr. Christine Eros will discuss the effects of alcohol on the consumer. She will address the positive and negative effects on our bodies. She will discuss the misinformation that exists around alcohol. Why do some studies say one drink daily is good for your heart, and others say it can be fatal? How much is too much, and what is really happening to our bodies when we drink alcohol? This seminar will provide attendees with a better understanding of how alcohol affects humans physiologically and give a better understanding of how to have longevity in an industry immersed in alcohol.
Location Name
Town + Country C
Full Address
Town & Country Resort & Spa
500 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, CA 92108
United States
500 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, CA 92108
United States
Session Type
Professional Development (60 min max)
Tasting Component?
Session Evaluation
Learning Objectives
Classify the physiological effects of alcohol on our bodies.
Describe moderation and when moderation is too much.
Explain what is resveratrol, and are they good for you.
Discuss how to have a prolonged career in the alcoholic beverage industry.
Compare how many drinks are deemed healthy and how many are excessive.
Describe moderation and when moderation is too much.
Explain what is resveratrol, and are they good for you.
Discuss how to have a prolonged career in the alcoholic beverage industry.
Compare how many drinks are deemed healthy and how many are excessive.
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