Mindfulness Through the Power of Gratitude
2022年11月7日星期一, 上午9:00 - 上午10:30
Kathleen Thomas

We Are All Connected — Being aware of this connection between all things can help us in acknowledging the broader effect we may be creating, especially in our studies and career paths. Let’s set a foundation together in this seminar together by building a platform for healing and strength. But how and why Gratitude?

Gratitude is being appreciative of the moment and remaining present in it. Gratitude is allowing empathy to transpose challenges to progression. Gratitude is the ability to be changed by situations. Gratitude is waking up the senses, taking a breath, and taking a smile break. So take a break with me as we learn ways to study, balance, and be persistent with our Self.

Bay Room
Kona Kai Resort & Spa
1551 Shelter Island Drive
San Diego, CA 92106